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In July 2015, the operation of the vessel was demonstrated to the partners from Serbia and Finland


Poster presented on the 6th Croatian water Conference, Opatija, May 2015

We have presented our results on the 6th Croatian water conference in Opatia with the poster entitled  »Real-time phytoplankton quantification using chlorophyll a and phycocyanin fluorescence sensors«. The whole postre can be downloaded from the menue Home/Documents.


Measurements of cyanobacteria in Hotinje pond

Upon occurrence of cyanobacteria in Hotinje pond we moved our laboratory equipment on the field and performed chlorophyll and phycocyanin measurements.


Koseze pond: presentation of operation of automatic vessel in July 2015

A demonstration of daily monitoring with the automatic vessel. A desired route with monitoring points that the vessel should perform is inserted into PC (1). The route made by the vessel can be followed by remote computer (2). After the performed measurements a spatial analysis of the chlorophyll a and phycocyanin in the water body …


We will present the project in Opatija, on the 6th Croatian water conference

At the 6th Croatian water conference with international participation we will be presented with a poster entitled “Real-time phytoplankton quantification using phytoplankton chlorophyll a and phycocyanin fluorescence sensors.” The full poster can be downloaded from the menu Home / Documents.


We have demonstrated the operation of the vessel in the context of the supervisory visit

In the context of the second control visit of the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project, held on the May 1th 2015, we have demonstrated the operation of the mobile measurement platform. We have presented the mechanism of lifting and descending of the vessel in the docking station for the purpose of maintenance and power supply. The …


Biological and technical team active on the field

May is busy. We test the automatic navigation, optimize the measuring chamber with chlorophyll and phycocyanin sensor and continue with the monitoring activities.


The new location of the wharf on Lake Bled

A new location has been chosen on Lake Bled to be used as a wharf or docking station of the vessels Stop CyanoBloom 2. The docking station will be established in the boathouse under the Vila Bled. The new location will allow us easier access of the vessels to the south side of the lake.


Maintenance of the research vessel in April 2015

On Koseze pond we have carried out maintenance works of the research vessel Stop CyanoBloom 1.


Monitoring activities are in full progress

Impressions from the field and laboratory measurements in April 2015.

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