Archives - June 2016


6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology

We have been present on the 6th Croatian Congress of Microbiology with International Participation, hold in Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia. We presented a poster with a title: Environmentally non-aggressive reduction of cyanobacterial populations in lakes by electro-oxidation with boron-doped diamond electrode. The poster can be downloaded on the following link: Environmentally non aggressive reduction …


Bled Water Festival

We have presented the project and demonstrated our robotic vessel on Bled Water Festival, 18. June 2016, Bled, Slovenia.


Project presentation on II. Slovenia – Kosovo Business Conference, 7th June 2016

Our LIFE projects have been presented on the second Slovenia-Kosovo business conference with B2B meetings held in Ljubljana, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, on 7th June 2016. You can download the presentation on the folowing link: ARHEL presentation of LIFE projects SLO Kosovo conference GZS More about the event can be find on …