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Reactions in the media on our presentation at the 10th Slovenian Innovation Forum

Presentations of our innovation can be seen in the following media: Newspaper Delo, 22.11. 2015, article from Barbara Pavlin in the Economy section: Robotsko plovilo nadzira Koseški bajer in Blejsko jezero (Robotic vessel controls Koseze pond and lake Bled). Newspaper Finance, 22.11. 2015, article from Petra Šubic: Najpodjetniška ideja: Robotsko plovilo bo preprečilo nevarno cvetenje …


Arhel has won two awards at the 10th Slovenian Innovation Forum

We took part at the 10th Slovenian Innovation Forum. We named our innovation The robotic vessel for detection and control of cyanobacteria, which demonstration takes part in the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project. Our innovation has won two awards. We won the first price in the category of micro-enterprises and we have received a special award …


Short news published in the publication MOST

SBRA – Slovenian Business & Research Association has published a short information about our project in the 57th Issue of the publication MOST. The presentation can be accessed on the following link.


US – wide study found a significant positive association between cyanobacterial bloom coverage and death by non – alcoholic liver disease

The US – wide study tested the hypothesis that contamination by cyanobacterial blooms is a risk factor for non – alcoholic liver disease. Using the data on spatial distribution of cyanobacterial bloom provided by European Space Agency Environmental Satellite, they estimate the spatial distribution of cyanobacterial blooms in the US. 62% of the studied cases …


Algal blooms around the world in 2015

Collection of exciting images of algal blooms around the world in 2015. Algal bloom in Baltic Sea, NASA Earth Observatory. Link to the souce: More images on algal blooms in Baltic Sea can be found also on the link of the ESA (European Space Agency). Lake Clair, NASA Ear Observatory Link to the souce: …