
Cyanokonf wall paper

Closure Conference of the project LIFE Stop CyanoBloom

Freshwater bodies: monitoring and methods for cyanobacterial bloom control

Protecting the environment and human health

Company Arhel d.o.o. organised in cooperation with National Institute of Biology and Municipality Bled a Closure conference of the project LIFE Stop CyanoBloom on the 1st and 2nd of December, 2016 in Ljubljana (Arhel`s business unit, Tržaška 330).

The main purpose of the event was to present the results of the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project “Innovative technology for cyanobacterial bloom control”, which aim was to demonstrate a solution for the early detection of cyanobacteria, prevention of cyanobacterial blooms and occurrence of cyanotoxins.

On the conference, we shared our findings with the active participation of the broader expert public. Improving and maintaining a good water status is namely one of the key objectives of environmental policies all over the world. However, despite the efforts invested in preventive and curative measures, we still confront with the poor ecological status of water bodies and water quality, which represents in extreme cases health, environmental and economic problems.

The actual conference programme can be downloaded from the following link: Program konference LIFE StopCyanoBloom FIN

 Organising committee:

dr. Maja Zupančič Justin, Tinkara Rozina, dr. Maša Čater, dr. Neža Finžgar, dr. Tomaž Kralj

Programming and peer review committee:

prof. dr. Bojan Sedmak, doc. dr. Tina Eleršek,  dr. Luka Teslić, dr. Maša Čater, dr. Neža Finžgar, dr. Maja Zupančič Justin


Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the conference can be downloaded from the following link.


Lectures and posters

Marko Gerl, dr. Maja Zupančič Justin: Uvodni pozdrav in otvoritev konference Conference opening Gerl Justin Uvod Introduction Stop CyanoBloom Conference

 prof. dr. Mihael J. Toman: Vzroki evtrofikacije in celovit pogled na upravljanje celinskih voda The causes of eutrophication and comprehensive view on freshwater management Toman MJ

 prof. dr. Marina Pintar: Večnamenska raba vodnih zadrževalnikov in kakovost vode za namakanje Multi-purpose use of water reservoirs and water quality for irrigation Pintar M

 Rok Žnidaršič: Arhitekturna rešitev projekta »Pristan« na Koseškem bajerju in vpetost v širšo prostorsko ureditev za večnamensko rabo vodnega in obvodnega prostora (Life Stop CyanoBloom) Architectural solution of the project »Boathouse« at Koseze pond and its integration into the wider spatial planning for multipurpose use of water and riparian zones (Life Stop CyanoBloom) Žnidaršič R

 Mario Marinović: Robotsko plovilo Stop CyanoBloom: tehnične lastnosti, navigacija, upravljanje sistema za analizo, tretiranje in vzorčenje vode Robotic vessel Stop CyanoBloom: technical properties, navigation, operation control of the systems for water analysis, treatment and sampling Marinović et al Stop CyanoBloom project

 Luka Teslić: Robotsko plovilo Stop CyanoBloom: informacijski sistem – prenos, obdelava in prikaz podatkov Robotic vessel Stop CyanoBloom: information system – data transfer, analysis and presentation Teslić et al Stop CyanoBloom project

 prof. dr. Bojan Sedmak: Potreba po naprednejših pristopih monitoringa fitoplanktona The need for advanced approaches in phytoplankton monitoring Sedmak B

 mag. Špela Remec-Rekar: Metodologija vrednotenja ekološkega stanja na podlagi fitoplanktona in trofično stanje jezer in zadrževalnikov v Sloveniji Ecological status assesment method for lakes using phytoplankton and trophic state of lakes and reservoirs in Slovenia Remec Rekar

 denka Mazej Grudnik: Rezultati dolgoletnega monitoringa jezer v Šaleški dolini The results of long-term monitoring of lakes in the Šalek valley Mazej Grudnik Z

 Tinkara Rozina: Rezultati aktivnosti monitoringa vodnih teles v okviru projekta Life Stop CyanoBloom: primerjava on-line meritev s standardnimi metodami vrednotenja fitoplanktona Results of monitoring activities in the frame of the Life Stop CyanoBloom project: comparison of online monitoring with standard methods of phytoplankton assessment Rozina et al Stop CyanoBloom project

 Jussi Meriluoto: Monitoring cianobakterijskih toksinov – nekatere finske izkušnje Monitoring of cyanobacterial toxins – some Finnish experience Meriluoto J 1

 Mojca Juteršek: Razlikovanje med enoceličnimi cianobakterijami iz rodu Synechocystis na osnovi njihove DNA DNA-based discrimination between unicellular cyanobacteria belonging to the Synechocystis genus Juteršek M et al

 prof. dr. Dušan Šuput: Cianobakterijski toksini in njihov vpliv na zdravje Cyanobacterial toxins and their effect on health Šuput D

 prof. dr. Zorica Svirčev : Svetovna razsežnost problema cvetenja cianobakterij; Cianobakterijska cvetenja v Srbiji – Epidemiološke študije in ocena tveganja za zdravje Global dimension of the problem of cyanobacterial blooms; Cyanobacterial blooms in Serbia – Epidemiological studies and health risk assessment Svirčev et al

 Anja Pecman: Elektrokemična razgradnja izoliranega mikrocistina ter ugotavljanje toksičnosti produktov razgradnje Electrochemical degradation of isolated microcystin and toxicity test of byproducts Pecman A

 Anja Bubik: Biološki učinki cianobakterijskih peptidov – raziskava na humanih možganskih celicah v kulturi Biological effects of cyanobacterial peptides – research on human brain cells in culture Bubik A

 doc. dr. Tina Eleršek: Vrednotenje učinka elektrokemijske oksidacije cianobakterij s standardiziranimi testi na zelenih algah Evaluation of the effect of the elctrochemical oxidation of cyanobacteria with a standardized test on green algae Elersek et al Stop CyanoBloom project

Jussi Meriluoto: Vodikov peroksid za zmanjšanje cvetenja cianobakterij – poskusi z vodami 11 evropskih jezer Hydrogen peroxide in mitigation of cyanobacteria – experiments with water from 11 European lakes Meriluoto J 2

 Maša Čater: Rezultati testiranj uporabe anodne oksidacije z elektrolitsko celico za izvajanje kontrole nad cianobakterijami in razgradnjo cianotoksinov v okviru projekta Life Stop CyanoBloom Results of testing the application of an anodic oxidation with the electrolytic cell for the control of cyanobacteria and degradation of cyanotoxins within the Life Stop CyanoBloom project Cater et al. Stop CyanoBloom project

 doc. dr. Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič: Zaviranje rasti cianobakterij v jezerih in akumulacijah s pomočjo ultrazvoka Ultrasonic control of cyanobacteria in lakes and reservoirs Krivograd Klemencic A

 izr. prof. dr. Marko Dolinar: So endotoksini vključeni v mehanizem programirane celične smrti pri cianobakteriji Microcystis aeruginosa? Are endotoxins involved in the programmed cell death mechanism in cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa? Dolinar M

 Angelika Vižintin: Sinteznobiološko stikalo za obvladovanje cianobakterije Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 A synthetic biological switch for containment of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Vizintin A

 Mateja Poje: Alge in cianobakterije v celinskih kopalnih vodah Slovenije Algae and cyanobacteria in Slovenian inland bathing waters Poje M


Some images from the conference

Lectures on December the 1st, 2016

Lectures on December the 2nd, 2016

Visit of Koseze pond in Ljubljana and demonstration of the docking station and robotic vessel operation

Instructions for authors

Instructions for extended abstracts:

Please follow the following template: Instructions Extended abstract

Abstracts should be submitted in Word format and sent to

In the title of the file indicate the surname of the author.

Contributions will be accepted for review, after which the authors will be informed about any comments. Authors are responsible for the correctness of grammar.


 Location of the event

Tržaška 330, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Centre Hotel G Hotel Design (the first floor of the Arhel d.o.o. business unit, building on the corner of the crossroad).

confrence location

The exact location and access can be viewed at the following link.



Contact address for information:

dr. Maja Zupančič Justin, conference coordinator

Phone: +386 (0) 5 90 33 386



Arhel projektiranje in inženiring d.o.o.

Tržaska 330

1000 Ljubljana