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ARHEL is a winner of National Energy Globe Award Slovenia 2018

Arhel has received a prestigious National Energy Globe Award Slovenia 2018 for the development of Innovative technology for cyanobacterial bloom control. The presentation of the prize is available at the following link. This year, more than 2000 project from 182 countries were submitted. The Energy Globe aims to raise global attention on sustainable, everywhere applicable environmental …


Publication of the results in Acta Biologica Slovenia

We have published a part of the project results achieved within LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project in the Acta Biologica Slovenica. The article with the title “Evaluation of cyanobacteria biomass derived from the upgrade of phycocyanin fluorescence estimation” can be downloaded on the following link or the journal webpages.


LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project presented in Porto on EIP on Water Conference

We have presented the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project in the exhibition pavilion of the LIFE Programme during the European Innovation Partnership on Water conference in Porto (26 – 29  September 2017). The poster can be downloaded from the following link: life-stop-cyanobloom-2017-porto-eip-on-water-conference


The robotic vessel was presented on the conference in Novi Sad, Serbija

The technology developed in the project LIFE Stop CyanoBloom was presented at the conference in Novi Sad, Serbia with the title Cyanotoxins – toxicity, health and environmental impact, July 13 – 14, 2017. The conference was organised in the frame of the project SCOPES: Identification and characterization of cyanobacterial toxins based on their interaction with …


Mednarodna LIFE konferenca za mreženje

Z našimi projekti LIFE Stop CyanoBloom, LIFE PharmDegrade in LIFE ReSoil smo se predstavili na Mednarodni LIFE konferenci za mreženje “Okolje potrebuje LIFE tudi naslednjih 25 let”, 25. maja 2017 na Gospodarskem rastavišču v Ljubljani.


LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project has officially ended

The LIFEStop CyanoBloom project has come to its end. Some final project documents like LayamanReport, After-LIFE Communication Plan and Final Technical report of the project can be downloaded from the project`s web page (Home/Documents). All information from the Project Closure Conference can also be downloaded from the Closure Conference site.  


Presentation of the LIFE Stop CyanoBloom project results at the conference Power of microbes in industry and environment 2016, Krk Croatia

We have presented with a lecture and a poster entitled: Reduction of extracellular microcystin concentration by an advanced oxidation technique: a potential of boron-doped diamond electrodes to control cyanobacterial blooms. The poster can be downloaded from the following link: poster Power of Microbes ARHEL The lecture can be downloaded from the following link: Reduction of …